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Stylus list is an expression collection of different kind of items. In another word, it is an array, map, list in other programming languages.


Its syntax is similar to CSS syntax for shorthand properties, but not completely alike. We can create a list by define a variable with at least two items. Each item is separated by a space ' ' or a comma ,.

Basic - One-dimensional list

For a simple one-dimensional list, a space character should be good enough to define a list.


* Defining syntax
* [1] variable-name = item-1 item-2 item-etc
* [2] variable-name = item-1, item-2, item-etc
border-items-list = 1px solid #000

* Getter syntax
* (Item's position of list always start at zero)
* variable-name[item-position]
div {
    border-width: border-items-list[0]
    border-style: border-items-list[1]
    border-color: border-items-list[2]

// Or like this
div.no2 {
    border: border-items-list
* Defining syntax
* [1] variable-name = item-1 item-2 item-etc
* [2] variable-name = item-1, item-2, item-etc
border-items-list = 1px solid #000

* Getter syntax
* (Item's position of list always start at zero)
* variable-name[item-position]
div {
    border-width: border-items-list[0]
    border-style: border-items-list[1]
    border-color: border-items-list[2]

// Or like this
div.no2 {
    border: border-items-list


div {
    border-width: 1px
    border-style: solid
    border-color: #000

// Or like this
div.no2 {
    border: 1px solid #000
div {
    border-width: 1px
    border-style: solid
    border-color: #000

// Or like this
div.no2 {
    border: 1px solid #000

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Above basic - Multidimensional list

To make multidimensional list, aka. nested list, we have three ways to do it.

Stylus: parentheses style

* Multidimensional list: () style
* This style works for multi-dimensional list
* morther = (list-00 list-01 list-02) item-1 (list-20 list-21 list-22)
mother-list = (1px solid #000) (2px solid #321) none (3px solid #341)
* Multidimensional list: () style
* This style works for multi-dimensional list
* morther = (list-00 list-01 list-02) item-1 (list-20 list-21 list-22)
mother-list = (1px solid #000) (2px solid #321) none (3px solid #341)

Stylus: comma style

* Multidimensional list: , style
* This style only works for two-dimensional list
* morther = list-00 list-01 list-02, item-1, list-20 list-21 list-22
mother-list = 1px solid #000, 2px solid #321, none, 3px solid #341
* Multidimensional list: , style
* This style only works for two-dimensional list
* morther = list-00 list-01 list-02, item-1, list-20 list-21 list-22
mother-list = 1px solid #000, 2px solid #321, none, 3px solid #341

Be aware that () operator and , doesn't create a list, it works as a level-separator. Which means doing this list = ((x)) doesn't create a multidimensional list with single item, in fact, the () will be ignore and the list will be a plain variable list = x. Learn more at Separator (). On the other hand , will cause a bug if it is used like this wrong = x,.

Stylus: nested variables style

* Multidimensional list: nested variables style
* morther = child-list-0 child-1 child-list-etc
*  child-list-0 = 0 1 2 etc
*  child-1 = 'child-variable'
*  child-list-etc = 3 2 1
mother-list = child-list-0 child-list-1 child-2 child-list-3
child-list-0 = 1px solid #000
child-list-1 = 2px solid #321
child-2 = none
child-list-3 = 3px solid #341
* Multidimensional list: nested variables style
* morther = child-list-0 child-1 child-list-etc
*  child-list-0 = 0 1 2 etc
*  child-1 = 'child-variable'
*  child-list-etc = 3 2 1
mother-list = child-list-0 child-list-1 child-2 child-list-3
child-list-0 = 1px solid #000
child-list-1 = 2px solid #321
child-2 = none
child-list-3 = 3px solid #341

If we add a list variable to an empty Because of this it can no add another item to list by including it. To add new item, use its BIF.

Stylus: usage

div {
    border: mother-list[1]
div.deeper {
    border-color: mother-list[3][2]
div {
    border: mother-list[1]
div.deeper {
    border-color: mother-list[3][2]


* No matter what style is used, only one result in return.

div {
    border: 2px solid #321
div.deeper {
    border-color: #341
* No matter what style is used, only one result in return.

div {
    border: 2px solid #321
div.deeper {
    border-color: #341

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Almost advance - Map

Map is a key-value list. It's allow to access to list with a string address. In Stylus, map is created by hash object. Because of this, the technique is also called hash list.


* map = {item1: 1, item2: '2', item3: etc}
* map = {
*   item1: 1,
*   item2: '2',
*   item3: etc
* }
map = {
    x: 5px
    y: 15px
    color: blue

div {
    box-shadow: map['x'] map.y map['color']
* map = {item1: 1, item2: '2', item3: etc}
* map = {
*   item1: 1,
*   item2: '2',
*   item3: etc
* }
map = {
    x: 5px
    y: 15px
    color: blue

div {
    box-shadow: map['x'] map.y map['color']


    div {
        box-shadow: 5px 15px blue
    div {
        box-shadow: 5px 15px blue

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Advance - Multi-line syntax

One-line syntax is useful for a small piece of code. However, stylus lists're usually used as a data holder. This makes the code quite large. As keeping it in one-line could end up causing bloodshed, this section was made for the sake of peace.

Multi-line list

To cut down the size of one-line to multi-line, we use separator commas ,. The comma can be understand as an indicator which tells that parser that the next line is an item of the closet defined variable =. With this logic, we can see why the end of list must have no comma.


* multi-line = first-item,  -> Beginning must have the comma (,)
*   2nd-item,
*   3, 4, 5,
*   (6 7 8),
*   the-end                 -> the end must not have the comma (,)
list = (5px 5px blue),
    10px 10px red,
    (15px 15px green)

div.shadow {
    box-shadow: list[0]

div.superShadow {
    box-shadow: list
* multi-line = first-item,  -> Beginning must have the comma (,)
*   2nd-item,
*   3, 4, 5,
*   (6 7 8),
*   the-end                 -> the end must not have the comma (,)
list = (5px 5px blue),
    10px 10px red,
    (15px 15px green)

div.shadow {
    box-shadow: list[0]

div.superShadow {
    box-shadow: list


div.shadow {
    box-shadow: 5px 5px blue

div.superShadow {
    box-shadow: 5px 5px blue,
                10px 10px red,
                15px 15px green;
div.shadow {
    box-shadow: 5px 5px blue

div.superShadow {
    box-shadow: 5px 5px blue,
                10px 10px red,
                15px 15px green;

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It is strongly recommended to have multi-line for nested list. It also quite convenience for some properties has multi-value.

Multi-line map

Comma is useful in simple case. For a complex case such as a list inside a map (hash object), comma is no longer a list separator but a hash separator. To make a multi-line map, we have to work around with a pair of Parentheses or Curly Braces. We simply keep the open bracket of the first item in the same line with the defined variable line. All the following brackets in same lines in close - open pattern. Everything inside brackets can freely have a new line. In short, see the example below.


    * multi-line = {        <- must have
    *       first-hash
    *   } {                 <- must be in the same line
    *       2nd-hash
    *   } or-an-item (      <- this is ok too
    *       3, 4, 5
    *   ) (
    *       6 7 8
    *   ) {
    *       the-end
    *   }
map = {
    border: {
        thin: 1px,
        thick: 999px
    } solid {
        light: #FFF,
        dark: #000,
        peach: pink
    shadow: (
        5px 5px blue
        10px 10px red
        15px 15px green

div.border {
    border: map.border[0].thin map.border[1] map.border[2].peach

div.shadow {
    box-shadow: unquote(join(',', map.shadow))
    * multi-line = {        <- must have
    *       first-hash
    *   } {                 <- must be in the same line
    *       2nd-hash
    *   } or-an-item (      <- this is ok too
    *       3, 4, 5
    *   ) (
    *       6 7 8
    *   ) {
    *       the-end
    *   }
map = {
    border: {
        thin: 1px,
        thick: 999px
    } solid {
        light: #FFF,
        dark: #000,
        peach: pink
    shadow: (
        5px 5px blue
        10px 10px red
        15px 15px green

div.border {
    border: map.border[0].thin map.border[1] map.border[2].peach

div.shadow {
    box-shadow: unquote(join(',', map.shadow))

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List detector

Because list is just an expression, typeof() cannot help us to distinguish a list and a variable; typeof() will always return ident type for list. To find out whether or not the variable is a list or single value, we can use length() BIF. Simple put a list to length(), if its value is greater than 1, it is a list.

function isList(expr)
    if length(expr) > 1
function isList(expr)
    if length(expr) > 1


Below are friendly for list operators. For detail document, see Operators page.

Separator ()

Indicating a new list. If parentheses is empty or only has one variable, it will become a normal variable. We can also use it to create empty variable.

Subscript []

This operator allows us to access to the list's items. It support multidimensional list, map and anything return a list expression such as a function return a list can also be used. The [0] always returns a value if the variable exists. The [n] will return null value if no item is in the n position.

Range .. …

A short way for creating a one-dimentional list number. .. is inclusive and ... is exclusive.

The rest operators

Any operators have not mention may not work with lists or only work with the first item of the list.


List and map are the main part of the loop. With map, we can get both key and value from the loop. For detail and example, see Iteration page.


BIF stands for Build-in function. Below is a list of BIF for handling list.